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Road Trip Essentials

Jun 17, 2024

Packing your car for a road trip can make or break your adventure. So, here’s a list of essentials we recommend keeping in your car, ensuring you’re prepared for any situation: 

Safety First 

  • Emergency Roadside Kit: Jumper cables, tire sealant, flashlight, first-aid kit, reflective triangle, basic tools, gloves, and a blanket. 
  • Spare Tire and Jack: Ensure your spare tire is in good condition and you know how to change a tire, in the event of a flat or blow-out. 
  • Car Insurance and Registration: Be sure to keep these documents handy in your glove box or another safe area in your car. 

Navigation and Entertainment: 

  • GPS or Map: While your phone and car may have navigational apps, having a dedicated GPS or map in the car can be a lifesaver if you lose signal. 
  • Phone Charger: Having an extra phone charger is essential for staying connected and using navigation apps. 
  • Music and Audiobooks: Download playlists or audiobooks to keep you entertained on long drives. 

Comfort and Convenience: 

  • Snacks and Drinks: Packing non-perishable snacks like granola bars, nuts, and dried fruit is always a good idea to have on hand in the car. You can also bring a cooler with water and other beverages. 
  • Trash Bags: Keep your car clean by having a designated trash bag. 
  • Sunglasses and Sunscreen: Protect yourself from the sun's UV rays. 
  • First Aid Kit: Be sure it includes bandages, pain relievers, antiseptic wipes, and any necessary medications. 
  • Toiletries: Hand sanitizer, tissues, wet wipes, paper towels and toilet paper. 

Additional Tips: 

  • Check Your Car: Before you hit the road, ensure your car is in good condition by checking the oil, tire pressure, and fluid levels. Scheduling an oil change with Avid’s courtesy inspection can help you find potential issues before they happen. 
  • Plan Your Route: Research your route beforehand, including rest stops, gas stations, and potential attractions. 
  • Pack Light: Bring only what you need to avoid cluttering your car and help your gas mileage. 
  • Be Prepared for Weather Changes: Pack layers of clothing and be ready for unexpected weather conditions. 

By packing these essentials and following these tips, you can be well-prepared for a safe, comfortable and enjoyable road trip. 

Schedule Your Appointment!
29 May, 2024
Congratulations on your graduation! As you embark on this exciting new chapter, you might be considering a major purchase: your first car. This is a big decision, and it's easy to get swept up in the excitement. But before you sign on the dotted line, here are five key factors to consider – and how Avid Autocare is here to support you every step of the way: Budget Realistically: Your post-grad budget probably looks a lot different than it did in college. Take a hard look at your income, expenses (including student loans!), and how much you can realistically afford to spend on a car – both upfront and monthly. Don't forget to factor in insurance, gas, maintenance, and parking costs. We can help you estimate potential maintenance costs based on the car models you're considering. Needs vs. Wants: Do you need a spacious SUV for road trips and hauling gear, or would a fuel-efficient sedan better suit your daily commute? Be honest about your lifestyle and how you'll primarily use the car. Our experienced team can offer personalized recommendations based on your needs and budget. New vs. Used: Both options have pros and cons. A new car comes with the latest features and a warranty, but it depreciates quickly. A used car is more budget-friendly, but it might require more maintenance down the line. We offer comprehensive pre-purchase inspections on used vehicles to give you peace of mind. Financing Options: Unless you're paying in cash, you'll likely need a car loan. Shop around for the best interest rates and loan terms. Consider getting pre-approved before you start car shopping to know exactly what you can afford. We can even help connect you with trusted lenders who specialize in auto loans. Research and Test Drive: Don't rush into a decision. Research different models online, read reviews, and compare prices. Most importantly, test drive any car you're seriously considering seeing how it feels and handles on the road. We encourage you to bring any potential car to our shop for a second opinion before you buy. The Bottom Line  Buying your first car is a major milestone, and it should be an exciting experience. By considering these five factors – and with the support of Avid Autocare – you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision and find a car that fits your lifestyle and budget for years to come. We’re your trusted partner on the road ahead.
21 May, 2024
As the weather warms up, the itch to hit the open road and leave the daily grind behind gets stronger. Luckily, you don’t need to hop on a plane to find incredible vacation spots! Whether you’re craving a nature escape, a city adventure, or a relaxing lakeside retreat, there are plenty of options within a few hours’ drive. The Best Part? Before you go, we’ll make sure your car is in tip-top shape to tackle those road trip miles with confidence. Destination Inspiration: Nature Lover’s Paradise (Hocking Hills State Park): Just a short drive away, you’ll discover breathtaking hiking trails, waterfalls, caves and stunning natural rock formations. Why your car will love it: Scenic drives with minimal stop-and-go traffic are easy on your brakes and transmission.
21 May, 2024
Summer is fast approaching and that means cranking up the air conditioning for sweet, cool relief. But if your car’s air conditioning system isn’t ready, you could be in for a sweaty and miserable ride. Don’t sweat it! Here are a few simple fixes to ensure your A/C blows ice-cold air when you need it the most. Change Your Cabin Air Filter Think of your cabin air filter as your car’s lungs. A clogged filter can restrict airflow, making your A/C work harder and less efficiently. When this happens, it can also fill your car with dust and allergens. Replacing this filter is easy and a cheaper preventative measure to take in keeping your car’s air clean and unrestricted. 2. Clean the Condenser The A/C condenser, which almost looks like a small radiator, is typically at the front of your car. Over time it can get covered in road grime, bugs, and leaves. A gentle spray with a hose can clear debris but be careful not to bend the delicate fins. Better airflow leads to better cooling. 3. Checking Refrigerant Levels Refrigerant is the lifeblood of your A/C system. Low levels can mean weaker cooling. While do-it-yourself refrigerant kits do exist, checking levels accurately and fixing leaks often requires a professional diagnosis. If your A/C feels less powerful than usual, a shop visit might be wise. 4. Inspect Belts and Hoses A/C compressors are typically driven by a belt. Over time, the weather and driving elements can cause cracked or worn belts which can lead to slipping, causing the compressor to work poorly. Checking the belt for wear and tear can ensure it has proper tension. It is also recommended to look for cracked or bulging A/C hoses that could leak refrigerant. Our technicians perform a courtesy inspection with every visit to spot issues such as these. While these fixes can help improve your A/C, they may not solve every issue. If you notice these signs, it could be time to seek professional help for a proper diagnosis and repair. Odd noises, air blowing warm even on max settings, or seeing fluids from the system. With the Summer heat fast approaching, staying cool on the road is possible with some proactive care. Schedule today for an A/C recharge or diagnostic to see how your A/C system can improve and benefit with an oasis of chilled air all summer long. Regular maintenance not only keeps you comfortable but can also prevent more costly repairs down the road.
24 Apr, 2024
Approaching an auto repair estimate can be a daunting task when faced with potential issues and high expenses. For our valued customers, here are some essential tips when working with auto repair estimates: At Avid Autocare, you can always expect clear communication. Describing any issues you’re experiencing in detail helps technicians better pinpoint any issues your car may be having and helps provide you with an appropriate repair as well. Don’t be afraid to ask our Service Advisors questions about any unclear points in the estimate. This can include clarification on the scope of work, parts, and labor costs. Quality matters. Remember that the cheapest estimate isn’t always the best. Things to consider are the shop’s reputation, expertise, and customer reviews. Understand the breakdown. Be aware of any additional fees, such as diagnostic fees, that may apply to services. Ask about warranties. Avid Autocare offers a 3 year/36,000 mile warranty on repairs, ensuring you have peace of mind down the road. Hidden issues, being prepared for variations. Sometimes, additional problems are discovered during repairs and can be potential adjustments to an estimate. If a technician or service advisor identifies necessary changes, ensure you understand prior to approving.  Face-to-face communication is our preferred method in discussing estimates with customers. This allows for better communication and understanding and can allow for additional questions and concerns to be answered. At Avid Autocare we like to keep our customers informed and most importantly, a satisfied customer! We build relationships through honesty and integrity. We hope this takes some of the mystery out of auto repair estimates so you can approach with confidence! 🚗💡
24 Apr, 2024
Your car is more than just a vehicle; it’s your partner on the road. Just like any good partnership, it requires care and attention. Regular check-ups can prevent costly repairs and keep your car running smoothly and efficiently. Here are some ways you can ensure your car is not only safe but also kind to the environment! We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again, tire health and pressure are essential for your car’s overall well-being. They’re the only part of your car that touches the road, so their health is paramount. Ensuring your tires are properly inflated reduces fuel consumption and keeps your ride running smooth. The added benefit here is it makes your car eco-friendlier too! Oil is the lifeblood of your engine; coloring should be a golden brown and free flowing. If your car’s oil is dark and sludge-like, it’s time for a change. Regular oil changes can improve engine efficiency and longevity. Fluids keep things flowing, yes really! Your car relies on various fluids to operate smoothly. This can include brake fluid, power steering fluid, windshield washer fluid and coolant/antifreeze. While these fluids may not interact with each other, they each have separate but important functions for your vehicle. The silent guardian of your car, the battery. A well-maintained battery is essential. Ensuring your battery is charged and the contacts are clean can help with a longer life span and reduce waste and its environmental impact. So, remember, a little care can go a long way. Regular check-ups keep your car happy, more eco-friendly and keep your budget happy. Drive safely and stay green!
By Brooke RSM 16 Apr, 2024
We’ve all heard the old saying “April showers bring May flowers.” Driving in heavy rain can be a challenge, but when taking precautions, you can safely navigate wet roads. Here are some of our essential tips for driving in the rain. Don’t drive if you don’t have to, especially when there is heavy rain or flooding. It can also be best to wait until the worst has passed before hitting the road. Slow down! It’s always a good idea to budget extra travel time as traffic can move slower during rainfall. Slowing down can also reduce the risk of hydroplaning. Avoid using cruise control in wet conditions as it can lead to a loss of control. Drivers may need to adjust the speed manually to prevent any kind of traction loss. Use your defroster to help clear a fogged windshield by activating the front and rear defrosters for better visibility. Always maintain a safe following distance by keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front, typically one whole car length. More space allows for a better reaction time! Use your headlights. While most newer cars have daytime running lights or the option to automatically have headlights come on, some older cars may need them turned on manually. By turning on headlights, it can improve visibility which can also help prevent collisions. It is also a good idea to keep headlights on when windshield wipers are active. Avoid hard braking by slowing gradually. Slamming on your brakes can lead to skidding which can also cause collisions. Use gentle movements when steering, braking, and accelerating on wet roads. Sudden movements can increase the risk of skidding. Stay away from areas known to be flood prone. Research ahead of time your route and potential roads that are more likely to flood. Choose alternate routes during heavy rain to reduce time in traffic which can also keep your distance from other drivers. Lastly, if you do see areas of high water or rain, turn around to reduce the chance of potential getting your stuck or the risk of drowning. Driving into flooded areas can be dangerous, making cars float or washed away. In summary, be sure to plan when inclement weather is approaching, and you can raise your chances of staying safe on the roads ahead. And if you have concerns about the car of your car’s tires , brakes or windshield wipers, the team at Avid Autocare is here to help keep you running smoothly!
08 Apr, 2024
Independent auto repair shops offer several advantages over dealership service centers, making them a great alternative for many vehicle owners. Cost-effectiveness: Independent auto repair shops often have lower overhead costs compared to dealerships, allowing for more competitive pricing with services and repairs. Personalized Service: Independent auto repair shops typically have smaller teams which allows for a closer relationship with their customers. This can translate to more personalized services, with technicians who take the time to understand the specific needs of each vehicle and its owner. Flexibility and agility: Independent shops are generally more flexible in their scheduling and service offerings compared to dealerships, which may have more rigid procedures and timelines. This can also result in quicker turnaround times for repairs and maintenance, helping to minimize vehicle downtime. Expertise and specialization: Many independent shops are owned and operated by experienced technicians who have extensive knowledge of various makes and models. They may specialize in certain brands or types of vehicles, offering expertise that rivals or even surpasses dealership technicians. Quality of work: Despite common misconceptions, independent shops often provide high-quality service that meets or exceeds dealership standards. Many independent technicians have undergone rigorous training and certification programs, ensuring that they have the skills and expertise to perform even the most complex repairs and maintenance tasks. Honest recommendations: Independent shops rely heavily on their reputation and word-of-mouth referrals to attract new customers. This offers more transparency and honesty in their recommendations for repairs and services, which in turn avoid any unnecessary upselling or overcharging. Focus on customer satisfaction: Independent shops thrive on providing excellent customer service and building long-term relationships with their clients. They are more likely to go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction, whether it’s through warranty guarantees, follow-up support or accommodating special requests. Overall, while dealership service centers offer certain conveniences and advantages, independent auto repair shops provide a compelling alternative for vehicle owners seeking cost-effective, personalized, and reliable maintenance and repair services.
By Ryan Clo 01 Apr, 2024
Watch out for slick roads!
25 Mar, 2024
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Whether you’re in need of a routine maintenance check, an unexpected repair, or a major overhaul, the last thing you want to worry about is how you’ll get around without your vehicle. That’s why at Avid Autocare, we’ve made it our mission to prioritize convenience for our customers at every step of the way. Ride Share Services: We understand that dropping off your car for service can be an inconvenience, especially if you have work, appointments, or other obligations to attend to. That’s why we offer complimentary ride share services to ensure you get where you need to go while your vehicle is being taken care of. Our team works with trusted ride share providers to offer seamless transportation solutions. Simply tell us your destination and we’ll arrange for a ride to get you there. Loaner cars for every visit : Unlike other auto repair shops that reserve loaner cars for major repairs or lengthy appointments, we believe that every customer deserves the convenience of a loaner car, no matter the nature of their visit. Whether you’re in for a quick oil change, tire rotation, or diagnostic check, you can rest assured knowing that we’ll provide you with a loaner car to keep you on the move. Our fleet of well-maintained vehicles ensures that you can continue your day without skipping a beat. Peace of mind and customer satisfaction: We aim to minimize disruptions to your daily routine and provide you with the peace of mind you deserve, this is why we offer ride share services and loaner cars for every visit. Our commitment to customer satisfaction extends beyond quality repairs and exceptional service. We prioritize your convenience and strive to make every aspect of your experience with us as hassle-free as possible. At Avid Autocare, we believe that convenience shouldn’t be a luxury – it should be a standard. That’s why we go above and beyond to offer ride share services and loaner cars for every visit, ensuring you can get back on the road with ease. Experience the difference convenience by choosing Avid Autocare for all your automotive needs.
25 Mar, 2024
Spring is in the air and it’s a great time to give your car some extra attention after the harsh conditions of winter. Here are some spring car care tips to ensure your vehicle is ready for the warmer months ahead: Wash and Wax: Show your car some love by giving it a good wash to remove salt, grime, and road debris that’s been accumulated during winter. Apply a coat of wax to protect the paint from the sun’s UV rays and maintain its shine. Inspect the exterior: Check for any signs of potential damage, such as dents, scratches, or rust spots. Addressing these issues early can help prevent further deterioration. Check tire pressure and tread: Fluctuating temperatures can affect tire pressure. Make sure tires are inflated to the recommended PSI and inspect tread depth. Consider rotating tires if necessary to ensure even wear. Inspect brakes: Have your brakes inspected for wear and tear. Listen for any unusual noises while braking and ensure that the brake pads, rotors, and brake fluid levels are in all good condition. Replace wiper blades: Winter weather can wear down wiper blades which can lead to streaking and reduced visibility. Replace them if they show signs of damage or they’re not clearing the windshield effectively. Check fluid levels: Top up essential fluids such as engine oil, coolant, brake fluid, and windshield washer fluid. Inspect for any leaks under the car and address them promptly. Test the battery: The cold temperatures from winter can strain your car battery. Test its voltage and clean any corrosion from the terminals. If the battery is old or struggling to hold a charge, consider replacing it. Inspect belts and hoses: Check for any signs of wear or cracking on the belts and hoses. Replace them if necessary to prevent breakdowns due to belt or hose failure. Service the Air Conditioning System: Ensure your air conditioning system is ready for the warmer weather by having it inspected and service if needed. This includes checking refrigerant levels and cleaning or replacing air filters. Check alignment and suspension: Winter potholes and rough roads can affect your car’s alignment and suspension. Have them inspected to ensure a smooth and comfortable ride. When you bring your car to Avid Autocare, our trained technicians perform a courtesy inspection , so you always have an up-to-date record of your vehicle’s health. This can help you maintain the performance, safety, and longevity of your vehicle, ensuring it’s ready to take on the challenges of the season ahead!
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